Animoji & Memoji
Back to the Apple PortalMemoji Combinations
Not even counting different shades of each color, there are around 2.048 septendecillion combinations of Memojis.That is a number 55 digits long, over halfway to googol.
two septendecillion forty-eight sexdecillion six hundred eleven quindecillion four hundred thirty-three quattuordecillion seven hundred thirteen tredecillion three hundred ninety duodecillion three hundred eighty-five undecillion six hundred ninety-six decillion two hundred eighty-six nonillion four hundred sixty-nine octillion one hundred fifty-seven septillion seven hundred sixty-one sextillion eight hundred forty-three quintillion two hundred quadrillion
Again, this isn't even taking into account that you can change the tone of each color.
Skin Tones: 17
Freckles: 4
Cheek Colors: 15
Cheeks: 5
Beauty Spot: 7
Hair Color: 15
Hairstyle: 129
Brow Color: 15
Brow Style: 24
Forehead Mark Color: 9
Forehead Mark: 3
Brow Piercing Color: 10
Brow Piercing: 8
Eye Color: 14
Eye: 18
Eyelash: 14
Eyeliner Color: 15
Eyeliner: 8
Eyeshadow Color: 15
Eyeshadow: 5
Head Age: 9
Head Shape: 15
Nose: 3
Nose Piercing Color: 10
Nose Piercing: 8
Lip Color: 16
Mouth: 9
Teeth: 6
Mouth Piercing Color: 10
Mouth Piercing: 12
Tongue Piercing Color: 10
Tongue Piercing: 2
Ear: 3
Left Earring Color: 10
Left Earring: 28
Right Earring Color: 10
Right Earring: 28
Left Audio Color: 11
Left Audio: 3
Right Audio Color: 11
Right Audio: 3
Sideburns: 3
Facial Hair Color: 15
Facial Hair: 132
Facial Hair Highlights: 15
Eyewear Color: 15
Eyewear: 37
Eye Patch Color: 13
Eye Patch: 3
Headwear Color: 13
Headwear: 58
Face Covering Color: 16
Face Covering: 3
Every Animoji
All the presets for Animojis are listed below if you click "Show Animoji".You can still control these characters if your phone supports FaceID.
🐭 Mouse

🐙 Octopus

🐮 Cow

🦒 Giraffe

🦈 Shark

🦉 Owl

🐗 Boar

🐵 Monkey

🤖 Robot

🐱 Cat

🐶 Dog

👽 Alien

🦊 Fox

💩 Poop

🐷 Pig

🐼 Panda

🐰 Rabbit

🐔 Chicken

🦄 Unicorn

🦁 Lion

🐲 Dragon

💀 Skull

🐻 Bear

🐯 Tiger

🐨 Koala

🦖 Dinosaur

👻 Ghost

Corresponding Emojis: 🐭 🐙 🐮 🦒 🦈 🦉 🐗 🐵 🤖 🐱 🐶 👽 🦊 💩 🐷 🐼 🐰 🐔 🦄 🦁 🐲 💀 🐻 🐯 🐨 🦖 👻