Instagram Portal

Subpages: Message Reactions
In the latest update, Instagram allows users to react to messages with emojis.
Long-tap on a message to bring up the reaction menu. Tap the + to show the emoji search menu.
You can customize the main reaction menu by holding down on one of the emojis.
The first emoji in the set will be used as your double-tap reaction.
Default reactions: ❤️ 😂 😮 😢 😡 👍

Separately, Instagram will sometimes recommend emojis to send after you receive a shared post:
❤️ 👍 😢 😍 😮 😂 👏 👍🏻 👍🏼 👍🏽 👍🏾 👍🏿 👏🏻 👏🏼 👏🏽 👏🏾 👏🏿

Instagram also recommends emojis to use when writing a comment:
❤️ 🙌 🔥 👏 😢 😍 😮 😂 🙌🏻 🙌🏼 🙌🏽 🙌🏾 🙌🏿 👏🏻 👏🏼 👏🏽 👏🏾 👏🏿

Story Quick Reactions
Instagram lets you send a reaction to a story by swiping up on it and clicking an emoji.
The emoji will appear big in their bottom right corner of the story preview in the poster's direct messages. It also shows an animation when sent.
😂 😮 😍 😢 👏 🔥 🎉 💯

During Valentine's Day, these emoji reactions are available: 💕 ❤️‍🔥 🥰 😍 🫶 💔 🫶🏻 🫶🏼 🫶🏽 🫶🏾 🫶🏿

Story Slider Emojis
Instagram lets users add a slider poll to their story.
You can also choose any emoji to be the slider. It will be able to be dragged, like a scale from 1-10.
These are the default emoji options for them:
😍 😂 😀 🔥 😡 😱 😢 ❤️ 🎉 👍 💩 💯 🙏 😮

Selfie Stickers
Selfie stickers are special stickers that change the background of a short, looping selfie video, similar to Boomerangs.
The backgrounds are labeled with an emoji which corresponds to the background color and other effects.

Sample Effects Emoji
Only background change No emoji
Hearts for eyes, background change 😍
Tears coming out of eyes, background change 😭
Tears of joy from eyes, background change 😂
Flaming background and foreground 🔥
Confetti, background change [Removed] 🎉
Number 100 on face, background change [Removed] 💯
Only background change [Old Background] No emoji
Flaming background and foreground [Old Background] 🔥

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