Twitch Portal
All images here are direct links from Twitch. Copy image link to modify it :)Twitch has an ever-growing list of emotes, way too many to show and update here.
All global Twitch emotes can be found on
There are also subscriber emotes, which a streamer can set up to give to subscribers.
Bit cheer emotes, called Cheermotes, come in 5 tiers,

There are also many other skins for cheers that have different graphics and animations.
Third-party emotes are a thing too, and can only be viewed using BetterTTV, FrankerFaceZ, or 7TV.
All Daily PogChamps
Golden Kappa
Every day, 1 user is randomly selected to have the Golden Kappa emote.Whenever they type their Kappa
When hovered over, it shows the normal Kappa name and the Twitch Global message.

Limited Time Emotes
Some exclusive emotes can only be unlocked during special events or by participating in a Hype Train.They are described as Limited-Time Only Emote when hovered over in Twitch chat.
To easily check which ones you have, copy and paste a bunch into chat (preferably your own so you don't get timed out).
Hindsight 2020 (December 2020)
Hype Train Set #3 (November-Current 2020)
GlichCon 2020 Drops
CelebrateKpop (K-pop Event 2020)
HyperScapeEmotes (Hyper Scape 2020 Promo)
Hype Train Set #2 (April-November 2020)
StreamWithPride (Pride Month 2020)
Hype Train Set #1 (January-April 2020)
streamerluv (Valentine's 2020)
HAHAHAlidays (Christmas 2019)
RPG Megacheer (2019)
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Unlock these emotes by enabling 2FA.Twitch Prime Exclusive Emotes
Twitch has exclusive emotes for users that have Twitch Prime, including Pokémon and Fortnite emotes.The emotes below are smileys and have to be activated in your Twitch Prime settings.
Prime Purple Glitch Emotes
Prime Monkey Emotes
Default Twitch Smiley Robots
Modified Emotes
If enabled, the Modify a Single Emote Channel Point reward can put an effect or accessory on a channel's subscriber emotes.The options update seasonally, but Horizontal Flip, Sunglasses, Squished, Thinking and Greyscale are always available.
An underscore and a suffix is appended to the end of the emote.
Horizontal Flip = _HF
Sunglasses = _SG
Squished = _SQ
Thinking = _TK
Greyscale = _BW
All Suffixes June 2020 Onward
Twitch stores the modified images for every emote already. Here is Kappa_TK
They are stored at
Alternatively, right click an emote and Copy Image Link, then add the suffix in the right spot.
Here are some other interesting ones: