Twitter Fact-Check Banner
Back to the Twitter PortalTwitter will put a fact-check banner at the bottom of tweets that contain these words.
It brings you to a Twitter Moment titled No, 5G isn't causing coronavirus π€.

5G corona
5G oxygen
5G absorption
5G hypoxia
#5Gmindcontrol covid
#5Gmindcontrol corona
#5Gmindcontrol #COVID19
COVID-19 5g radiation (Exact phrase)
COVID-19 #Burn5G
corona #Burn5G
coronavirus #Burn5G
oxygen frequency
oxygen absorption
frequency absorption
corona 5G radiation
Phrases with a line through them worked at some point, but don't anymore.
- Not case sensitive (5g oXyGEn β )
- Punctuation ("5g"?! Oxygen...!!! β )
- Any retweets with comments
- Homoglyphs (ππΎ ππππΎπΌβ β )
(!) Get the facts about COVID-19
Title: No, 5G isn't causing coronavirus π€.
Date Published: May 11, 2020
Description: Numerous people have been spreading unsubstantiated stories about 5G technology being linked to the spread of COVID-19. The theory has been debunked by several reputable sources including government officials, and experts in the tech and medical industries.