Unicode Control Characters
⬅︎ Text Symbols
This is a collection of Unicode control characters. Press a button to copy the character to your clipboard.
This is a collection of Unicode control characters. Press a button to copy the character to your clipboard.
Start of Heading:
Start of Text:
End of Text:
End of Transmission:
Horizontal Tabulation:
New Line:
Vertical Tabulation:
Form Feed:
Carriage Return:
Shift Out:
Shift In:
Data Link Escape:
Device Control One:
Device Control Two:
Device Control Three:
Device Control Four:
Negative Acknowledge:
Synchronous Idle:
End of Transmission Block:
End of Medium:
File Separator:
Group Separator:
Record Separator:
Unit Separator:
XXX U+0080:
XXX U+0081:
Break Permitted Here:
No Break Here:
Next Line:
Start of Selected Area:
End of Selected Area:
Character Tabulation Set:
Character Tabulation with Justification:
Line Tabulation Set:
Partial Line Forward:
Partial Line Backward:
Reverse Line Feed:
Single Shift Two:
Single Shift Three:
Device Control String:
Private Use One:
Private Use Two:
Set Transmit State:
Cancel Character:
Message Waiting:
Start of Guarded Area:
End of Guarded Area:
Start of String:
XXX U+0099:
Single Character Introducer:
Control Sequence Introducer:
String Terminator:
Operating System Command:
Privacy Message:
Application Program Command:
Delete: ␡