Currency Text Symbols

⬅︎ Text Symbols

This is a collection of money and currency Unicode characters and emojis, including cryptocurrency and fictional currencies.

¤ $ ¢ £ € ₠ ₿ ₱ ¥ ₩ ₫ ฿ ֏ ؋ ߾ ߿ ৻ ៛ ₡ ₢ ₣ ₤ ₥ ₦ ₧ ₪ ₭ ₮ ₯ ₰ ₲ ₳ ₴ ₵ ₶ ₷ ₸ ₺ ₻ ₼ ₽ ₾ ﷼ ₨ ₹ ৳ ৲ ૱ ௹ ꠸

Currency Sign ¤
Other 🪙 ⛀ ⛁ ⛂ ⛃ 💳 💎 🛢 🏦 ⛻ 🏧 🧾
Dollar $ ﹩ $ 💸 💵 💰 💲 💱 🤑
Cent ¢ ¢
Pound £ £ 💷
Euro € ₠ 💶
Bitcoin ($BTC) ₿
Ethereum ($ETH) Ξ
Dogecoin ($DOGE) Ð
Peso ₱
Yen ¥ ¥ 💴 💱 💹
Won ₩ ₩
Dong ₫
Thai Baht ฿
Armenian Dram ֏
Afghani ؋
Nko Dorome ߾
Nko Taman ߿
Bengali Ganda ৻
Khmer Riel ៛
Colon ₡
Cruzeiro ₢
French Franc ₣
Lira ₤
Mill ₥
Naira ₦
Peseta ₧
New Sheqel ₪
Kip ₭
Tugrik ₮
Drachma ₯
German Penny ₰
Guarani ₲
Austral ₳
Hryvnia ₴
Cedi ₵
Livre Tournois ₶
Spesmilo ₷
Tenge ₸
Turkish Lira ₺
Nordic ₻
Manat ₼
Ruble ₽
Lari ₾
Rial ﷼
Rupee ₨
Indian Rupee ₹
Bengali Rupee ৳ ৲
Gujarati Rupee ૱
Tamil Rupee ௹
North Indic Rupee ꠸
Robux R$

Cryptocurrency Symbols

Only Bitcoin has an official Unicode symbol, but many cryptocurrency coins have adopted existing ones to use as their symbol.

Bitcoin (BTC) ₿
Ethereum (ETH) Ξ ⟠
Dogecoin (DOGE) Ð D
Monero (XMR) ɱ
Tether (USDT) ₮
Cardano (ADA) ₳
Solana (SOL) ◎
Litecoin (LTC) Ł
Polkadot (DOT) ●
Dai (DAI) ◈
Algorand (ALGO) Ⱥ
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Ƀ
Internet Computer (ICP) ∞
Ethereum Classic (ETC) ξ
Tezos (XTZ) ꜩ
Iota (MIOTA) ɨ
Bitcoin SV (BSV) Ɓ
Maker (MKR) Μ
Zcash (ZEC) ⓩ
Dash (DASH) Đ
Nano (XNO) Ӿ Ñ
Augur (REP) Ɍ
Steem (STEEM) ȿ
Stellar Lumens (XLM) 🚀 *
Filecoin (FIL) ⨎
Ethereum Classic (ETC) ξ
Basic Attention Token (BAT) ⟁
Lisk (LSK) Ⱡ
Reddcoin (RDD) Ɍ
Navcoin (NAV) Ꞥ
Namecoin (NMC) ℕ
Peercoin (PPC) Ᵽ
Primecoin (XPM) Ψ
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